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Hot Corner Insider

The Inside Scoop (06-05-2022)

June 6, 2022

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

From a technical perspective, this rocky market is offering us limited opportunities on the long side.

While we continue to approach most equities with caution, insiders are buying into the volatility aggressively. According to data from Whalewisdom, the ratio of insider buys versus sales hasn’t been this high since early 2020. 

While this is bullish, we still aren’t seeing much in terms of price confirmation.

Something we are seeing is plenty of options to choose from on our Inside Scoop list. 

But while insiders are buying hand over first, the current environment warrants us to be far more selective. We only want to be in those setups that are offering the best risk/reward opportunities. 

This week, we have our eyes on a mid-cap materials name that is coiling just beneath all-time highs. 

Hot Corner Insider

The Inside Scoop (05-30-2022)

May 30, 2022

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

While we managed to string together a handful of up-days at the end of last week, markets have been selling off aggressively since April. Sellers remain in full control as the list of indexes resolving lower from distribution patterns continues to grow.

Finding favorable long setups in this tape hasn’t been easy. And because Inside Scoop is a “long-only” scan, there’s been little for us to do in the current environment.

Despite this, insiders have been very active in recent weeks as we continue to see more and more come out to buy the dip.

Many of the names seeing insider interest are in severe downtrends and have already endured significant technical damage.

With that said, there are still long opportunities. We just have to look a little harder, and get a bit more creative.

Today, we have a long-term base breakout as well as a short-term mean-reversion setup. While these are very different, both offer significant upside potential with limited risk.

Hot Corner Insider

The Inside Scoop (05-05-2022)

May 5, 2022

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Stocks are having a tough time these past few weeks. Selling pressure is not just accelerating; it’s spreading.

Even the leaders aren’t providing shelter from this latest storm…

A lot of the commodity stocks we’ve been focusing on for long exposure in recent months are experiencing significant volatility and are now back below our risk levels.

We want to be patient and wait for the dust to settle for most of these trades.

While this is the case for the majority of stocks right now, there are always pockets of strength.

The most obvious among them right now is energy. The resilience from energy continues to impress us.

Today, we’re going to outline long ideas in a popular exploration & production name as well as an international bank stock.

Let’s get to it.