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Off The Charts

Andrew Moss is Open to New Perspectives | Off The Charts

Reinventing your career after 20 years is no small feat. Now, imagine trying to do that by becoming an active trader. That’s exactly what Andrew Moss is doing—but he isn’t going in blind.

Andrew’s fascination with the markets began as a teenager when his father introduced him to point-and-figure charts. From there, he pursued a career in brokerage and wealth management at a major Wall Street firm, gaining deep insight into the industry.

“We all have to follow our own path,” Andrew reflects.

Blazing his own trail, however, hasn’t been without its challenges. Transitioning from nearly two decades of a steady salary to making a living solely through trading has been a major shift. He notes the adjustment from a long-term wealth management mindset to a day-by-day focus on profits and losses. Balancing the need to be aware of the PnL while not obsessing over it is a delicate act that takes practice.

Andrew is also navigating new habits, fresh perspectives, and the biggest realization of all—the real battle in trading is between you and yourself.

If you’ve ever had to reinvent yourself, or are thinking about doing so, this episode of Off The Charts will both educate and inspire you.


Air Time:
Fridays @ 10:00 am ET
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David firmly

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