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Off The Charts

Episode 8: Caleb Franzen Can Figure It Out

Heading into the COVID-19 pandemic, Caleb Franzen was working a corporate banking job that felt like a dead end. “It felt like I was just being moved around from one boiling pot of water to the next.” 

Additionally, he had traded during college and what worked in the market didn’t jive with what he had learned in college. “Never once did I use anything in my banking job that I learned in college.”

He needed a perspective change. And it came during a transformative trip to Colorado that changed the course of his life. It was there when he was reminded that travel was a top priority for him and that he needed to have the ability to work from anywhere and have his own schedule.

So he left the corporate world and started his own research practice.

But it wasn’t going to be easy. Caleb needed to get his voice heard. He needed to find a way to create value for people without asking for anything in return.

It was at this point that Caleb decided to make a concerted effort to leverage social media – particularly Twitter/X. He knew that there were many people in his field sharing great content, but there was only one Caleb Franzen in the world and he needed to make the most of it.

His only plan was: “I’m going to arrive and figure it out.”

This also became his plan as he then embarked on a world tour that was only supposed to last three months but is now stretching into its 15th month with no signs of stopping.

His guiding beliefs through it all have been: “Have belief in yourself and just go figure it out. Everything’s going to be ok.”

Learn about Caleb’s fascinating travels, how it has informed his trading, and how he’s built a respectable name for himself in a crowded field.




Air Time:
Fridays @ 10:00 am ET
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